Some new reviews for THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER:
“I’m happy to say that not only did this book exceed my expectations, it blew me away. Kennedy’s novel is so well written and her characters are so rich and captivating that I simply could not put it down.”~Reviewed by Jennifer Melville
“Kathryne Kennedy creates a totally original, organic, captivating microcosm of insight into the heart in The Fire Lord’s Lover.”
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Last chance to win a free copy of BENEATH THE THIRTEEN MOONS:
That's right, my last guest blog is today at A MOMENT WITH MYSTEE.
To enter the give away, click on this link:
To read my inspiration for BENEATH THE THIRTEEN MOONS, visit this link:
Good luck, and I hope you enjoy reading!
To enter the give away, click on this link:
To read my inspiration for BENEATH THE THIRTEEN MOONS, visit this link:
Good luck, and I hope you enjoy reading!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Read BENEATH THE THIRTEEN MOONS over the holidays!
And see if you agree with these reviewers:
”First off, the world building in the book was incredible, amazing, fantastic. It was so good, I couldn't pick one word to describe it, so I had to use three.”
“With rapt attention not only to what was going on around the characters but also of their budding romantic relationship made me reluctant to put the book down to even sleep.”~Terra
“Ms. Kennedy has once again given readers characters and a story they’ve not read before. She definitely has the magic touch.”~Sandy M.
“This story has the aura of the epic science fiction classic, DUNE by Frank Herbert…”
“Beneath the Thirteen Moons is one part paranormal, one part magical, one part romance and one hundred percent delightful good reading!”
“This is the second book of hers that I have read now and once again her beautiful writing and superb world-building have captivated me. “~Anne
“With dazzling descriptions, nonstop action and searing romance, Kathryne Kennedy's Beneath The Thirteen Moons thrusts you headlong on a dangerous journey in an extraordinary world brimming with wonders and treachery.”
Ms. Kennedy has created one of the most detailed, fabulously rich cross genre stories I've read in a very long time.”~Lynda K. Scott
“If you like fantasy romance and unique worlds - give yourself a magical treat and read this story.”
”First off, the world building in the book was incredible, amazing, fantastic. It was so good, I couldn't pick one word to describe it, so I had to use three.”
“With rapt attention not only to what was going on around the characters but also of their budding romantic relationship made me reluctant to put the book down to even sleep.”~Terra
“Ms. Kennedy has once again given readers characters and a story they’ve not read before. She definitely has the magic touch.”~Sandy M.
“This story has the aura of the epic science fiction classic, DUNE by Frank Herbert…”
“Beneath the Thirteen Moons is one part paranormal, one part magical, one part romance and one hundred percent delightful good reading!”
“This is the second book of hers that I have read now and once again her beautiful writing and superb world-building have captivated me. “~Anne
“With dazzling descriptions, nonstop action and searing romance, Kathryne Kennedy's Beneath The Thirteen Moons thrusts you headlong on a dangerous journey in an extraordinary world brimming with wonders and treachery.”
Ms. Kennedy has created one of the most detailed, fabulously rich cross genre stories I've read in a very long time.”~Lynda K. Scott
“If you like fantasy romance and unique worlds - give yourself a magical treat and read this story.”
Monday, December 20, 2010
Only a few chances left to win a copy of BENEATH THE THIRTEEN MOONS!
That's right, I only have two more guest blogs where you can comment to enter to win a copy of the paperback re-release of BENEATH THE THIRTEEN MOONS. Today I'm at:
I'm talking about the Top 10 Reasons Why Readers Will Fall in Love with Korl, the Hero in Beneath the Thirteen Moons. Come on over and let me know your favorite reason!
I'm talking about the Top 10 Reasons Why Readers Will Fall in Love with Korl, the Hero in Beneath the Thirteen Moons. Come on over and let me know your favorite reason!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Win a gorgeous Moonstone necklace!

I have launched the second contest for BENEATH THE THIRTEEN MOONS, and thought a moonstone necklace would be perfect for the prize. I found a lovely one, and all you need to do is sign up for my newsletter to enter:
For more details, visit the contest page on my website:
Friday, December 17, 2010
Congratulations to the winners of my first contest for BENEATH THE THIRTEEN MOONS!
The winners of the original hardcover edition of BENEATH THE THIRTEEN MOONS are:
Donna B. from Rowland, NC
April B. from Green Bay WI
Jeanne S. from Pittsburgh, PA
The books are in the mail to you, ladies! Congratulations, and happy reading over the holidays!
Donna B. from Rowland, NC
April B. from Green Bay WI
Jeanne S. from Pittsburgh, PA
The books are in the mail to you, ladies! Congratulations, and happy reading over the holidays!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
TWO books to win!
Stop on by Erin Quinn's blog and read my whimsical recipe for building the world of Sea Forest! Leave a comment, and you're entered to win one of two free copies of BENEATH THE THIRTEEN MOONS.
I'm also over at Gelati's Scoop today, answering some questions that would be of interest to writers, and talking about THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER. No prize for commenting, but would love to hear from my readers!
I'm also over at Gelati's Scoop today, answering some questions that would be of interest to writers, and talking about THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER. No prize for commenting, but would love to hear from my readers!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Today I'm at:
And I'm giving away a copy of BENEATH THE THIRTEEN MOONS, and talking about how I come up with such imaginative worlds. Stop by, leave a comment, and you're entered to win. Here's the live link to click through on:
Monday, December 13, 2010
Today I'm at:
Stop by, leave a comment, and you're entered to win. Good luck!
Stop by, leave a comment, and you're entered to win. Good luck!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Today and all weekend I will be at my group blog answering interview questions. Stop by, leave a comment, and you're entered to win a copy of BENEATH THE THIRTEEN MOONS:
And if you have any questions for me, leave them in the comments and I will be back on Monday to answer them.
And if you have any questions for me, leave them in the comments and I will be back on Monday to answer them.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Two chances to win a copy of BENEATH THE THIRTEEN MOONS!
Today I'm answering some interesting questions and giving away two copies of BTTM at:
Stop by, leave a comment & your email info, and you're entered to win. Good luck!
Stop by, leave a comment & your email info, and you're entered to win. Good luck!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Today I am discussing how opposites attract in BENEATH THE THIRTEEN MOONS, and my publisher is giving away two free copies of the book at:
Good Luck!
Good Luck!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Win a copy of BTTM at:
Come on over to The Book Faery Reviews (a gorgeous blog with a hostess I adore), leave a comment after my interview, and you're entered to win the paperback re-release of Beneath the Thirteen Moons!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Today I am guest blogging at:
Stop by, leave a comment, and you're entered to win (three books up today for grabs)!
Stop by, leave a comment, and you're entered to win (three books up today for grabs)!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Win Free Books during Kathryne Kennedy's Blog Tour!

12/1 Launch Party!
Casablanca Authors
12/2 Interview!
Queen of Happy Endings
12/6 Interview!
The Book Faery
12/8 Opposites Attract in BENEATH THE THIRTEEN MOONS
Fresh Fiction
12/9 Q & A with Kathryne
Author Suzanne Johnson
12/10 Interview!
Much Cheaper Than Therapy
12/13 Interview!
Star-Crossed Romance
Where I answer the question of how I come up with such imaginative worlds.
12/15 Recipe for Building the World of Sea Forest
Erin Quinn’s Blog
12/16 Interview!
Martha’s Bookshelf
12/20 Top 10 Reasons Why Readers Will Fall in Love with Korl, the Hero in BENEATH THE THIRTEEN MOONS
Where I list the top ten reasons I hope readers will fall in love with my hero.
12/27 The Inspiration for BENEATH THE THIRTEEN MOONS
Where I answer the questions: What was your inspiration for this novel? Are you excited to see it in print again?
A Moment with Mystee
Best of Luck!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Sharing some brand new reviews for BENEATH THE THIRTEEN MOONS...

"Desperate to save her people, but stung by the Healer's rebuff that cost the life of her child and lifemate, Mahri Zin travels dangerous routes of the Sea Forest to kidnap a Healer. Hoping for an apprentice whose knowledge of how to use the Power given through zabbaroot can supplement her own wild Master-level skills, Mahri gets more than she bargained for. Instead of a lowly apprentice, she ends up kidnapping the Crown Prince, an arrogantly beautiful man with enemies of his own. In order to save those she loves, Mahri has to decide whether her root-induced dreams are true and how much belief she places on the conspiracies of the Natives.
Prince Korl may be temporarily captured by the fierce water- rat, but the combination of his arrogance and her unwillingness to give of herself may doom their entire world, Royals, water-rats, Natives and all of the subterranean flora and fauna within.
BENEATH THE THIRTEEN MOONS is a fast-paced, elegantly written romance that reads almost like the best of fairy tales: the characters stay true to their original characterizations even as they learn and grow throughout the novel."
"Anyone who enjoyed Avatar or liked the concept of it will surely enjoy this latest amazing adventure by the talented Ms. Kennedy.
I think the author's version is more along the lines of what would happen generations later to humans who settled a planet and forgot their origins. Over time they evolved into something new and magical but something cathartic needed to happen to set the metamorphosis in motion and in this story, that event is love between a man and a woman.
Mahri is the heroine who has trust issues. Not because of something diabolical that scarred her. It was based on her own experience of lost love and the complications of class structure among the society she lived in. She has good solid values of loyalty, duty, love of family but her drive and determination come from her refusal to fail. She's compelled to do the unthinkable in order to save those that she loves from a dreaded sickness and time is running out. The author did a good job of making me care for those that Mahri loves including the woman herself. I got a clear sense of her fears, her yearnings and her tentative hope. I understood her skittishness when something really positive and beautiful came into her life and her obstinate refusal to admit that it meant as much to her as it really did.
That something positive and beautiful is Korl, the hero. He doesn't exactly come into her life, she kidnaps him. I enjoyed watching this proud man, who was secluded from the realities of the people who live beyond the scope of his kingdom, come to grips with all that he saw and Mahri opened his eyes to a much bigger world than he realized. Because he is so sure of himself and his position in life is why I felt he was freer to recognize and verbalize his love for Mahri. Korl's character is full of strength, passion, and the will to fight for what he wants and what he believes to be right. His sense of what is right is challenged by Mahri in every step of his journey with her. The part in the boat with the cats was incredibly powerful. At that moment I understood just how strong a man Korl is, and how much more Mahri needed to grow within herself before she could accept the gift that he had already given her.
Another beautiful part of the journey while Mahri was fighting her attraction and growing love for Korl was her revelations. As much as she fought her feelings, she had emotional urges to share things with him that she'd shown no one before, even her first husband. Ms. Kennedy wowed me with the scope of her imagination. The visual pictures her words painted in my mind would have rivaled the movie Avatar if it were brought to the big screen. The creatures she has created to populate the planet include those in the air, on the ground and in the ocean. The world building alone blows my mind because the author paid attention to the littlest detail. Even Mahri's furry companion, Jaja was a delight. I liked how he'd whack either Mahri or Korl when they were being too dense about something or needed to pay attention. The critter didn't need to use words to get his point across. Not only that but the author has a surprise up her sleeve for readers as the story unfolds in which Jaja plays an integral role. It's not too often I read a book where a strong secondary character isn't even human. I liked the freshness of it.
The conflict, as you can well imagine, is primarily internal. But there are definitely external dangers and they plague both of them on and off throughout the story. The zabba root is the substance that makes good things and bad things happen and I found the concept fascinating. There's a revelation about that little herb that has powerful repercussions and actually plays into the plot throughout the book.
Watching the romance develop between Korl and Mahri was both entertaining and painful. The sensual buildup was seductive and the physical moments between the two characters were fraught with emotional tension. So much healing had to take place before their bonding was solid and unbreakable. Korl's eventual realization that to keep her he had to let her go was another touching moment that endeared his character to me all the more. For me, Ms. Kennedy didn't miss any of my emotional hot buttons to push. She found them all with the telling of this story. Not only that, but the last things that Korl says in the book just had me melting into a puddle of romantic happiness. What a hero. :::sigh:::
Beneath the Thirteen Moons is a wonderful epic of a romance taking place on a fantastical world with a hero and heroine sure to find a place in a reader's heart. Ms. Kennedy has another winner on her hands and her talent for words brings to life characters you can believe in and is what makes the happily ever after so powerful. This book is a must read for all sci-fi romance fans who seek quality writing full of heart, adventure and a world that will astound a reader with its vivid imagery. I hope Ms. Kennedy plans to visit with Korl and Mahri again someday because all that creative energy that went into the making of this book shouldn't be a one shot deal. It's too amazing and rich and I really want to learn more about the indigenous people of the planet. This book was total entertainment and I don't want it to end. I give this tale a big and loud five books."
Author note: I wrote Beneath the Thirteen Moons way back in 2002. When I watched the movie Avatar, I had to wonder if the creator had been inspired by my book. :}
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
A sneak peek at the cover for THE LADY OF THE STORM

If you recall from book 1, THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER, Lady Cassandra and Thomas rescued a young girl named Cecily. This is her story, along with Giles Beaumont, a man twice cursed, once with a blood-hungry sword, and later...well, I'd like to keep that a surprise. Cecily is the elven half-breed daughter of Breden, the elven lord of Dewhame with the power of sea & sky, and she inherited those magical powers, although it will take her some time to come to terms with her abilities. But this is part of the reason I adore this cover, which captures the lightning she can command, the sparkles of magic, the ethereal feel of the images that capture the style of the story inside.
I only had a few recommendations: I'd love to see a pointed elven ear poking through Cecily's hair, Giles's hair must be the elven white, and I'm not sure about the color of my name, I think it captures attention but jars a bit. What do you think?
Anyhoo, I hope they don't change the cover too much, cause I really love it! And I hope you will love the story inside as well!
And I should note: the book doesn't release until August 2011...but I'm hard at work on book 3, LOVING THE LORD OF ILLUSION, so you won't have to wait as long for the next story. :}
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
I am blessed--or cursed--with a vivid imagination!
I was blessed with an over-active imagination. (or cursed, depending on your point of view! My poor husband…if he’s late 10 minutes, I’ve got him in a car crash, laying on a street somewhere bleeding from several wounds…you get the idea).
Thank heavens I had my writing to turn my imagination to.
I always start out with something that inspires my imagination, whether it's a character or a new world. I start creating the world, which is always such fun, and then once I start writing, all the details just start to flow through. A lot of it comes from my characters. For example, in my Georgian Fantasy romance series (THE ELVEN LORDS, book one, THE FIRE LORD’S LOVER), I had two secondary characters pop up in the book, and I gave each of them an extraordinary magical ability. And then later on, those abilities actually affected the plot. It wasn’t planned, it just happened through the story and characters. Now the hero’s abilities, that of fire magic, was planned from the beginning, as were the heroine’s ability to perform death dances.
So my imagination starts with a plan, then keeps growing from there, sometimes with what seems like little actual control from me.
So if you are blessed, or cursed, with an active imagination, try your hand at writing. You might be amazed at what develops.
Thank heavens I had my writing to turn my imagination to.
I always start out with something that inspires my imagination, whether it's a character or a new world. I start creating the world, which is always such fun, and then once I start writing, all the details just start to flow through. A lot of it comes from my characters. For example, in my Georgian Fantasy romance series (THE ELVEN LORDS, book one, THE FIRE LORD’S LOVER), I had two secondary characters pop up in the book, and I gave each of them an extraordinary magical ability. And then later on, those abilities actually affected the plot. It wasn’t planned, it just happened through the story and characters. Now the hero’s abilities, that of fire magic, was planned from the beginning, as were the heroine’s ability to perform death dances.
So my imagination starts with a plan, then keeps growing from there, sometimes with what seems like little actual control from me.
So if you are blessed, or cursed, with an active imagination, try your hand at writing. You might be amazed at what develops.
Monday, November 8, 2010
"Black Jaguar" by Vijaya Schartz - New Release
Talina of the Chosen has never seen a foreigner, until destiny brings to her shores a group of baffling strangers who cannot read minds… among them a prince, and the Lost Daughter of the prophecy. She knows her fate is about to change, but the Star People protecting her clan view the outsiders as a threat to their crucial experiment.
Can Black Jaguar, with his few warriors and felines, simple weapons and Human ingenuity, save Talina and her people from a horrible fate? Can he prevail upon a highly advanced enemy, against impossible odds?
Black Jaguar
Book Two – Chronicles of Kassouk
by Vijaya Schartz
from Desert Breeze Publishing
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER is nominated for RT award
I recently found out that The Fire Lord's Lover is nominated for Best Historical Romance of 2010 in the Historical Fantasy category of RT Book Reviews magazine. The nomination itself is truly an honor, as they have chosen only seven books in my category out of hundreds. This is the second time I've been nominated (Enchanting the Beast made it last year) so cross your fingers for me for a win this time. :} (Although I have to tell you, I'm up against Shana Abe, who is one of my favorite authors--so I really need some luck!)
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
What lies beneath the surface of a story...
I blame my high school advanced English teacher for making me reach deeper into the themes of my novels.
In class, we read a charming story about a group of rabbits forced from their home. I totally believed in each of the furry characters, and although it’s been some time since I read it, I still remember the struggles and trials the little rabbits had to face. I thought it was a charming fantasy story meant more for older children rather than adults.
And then my English teacher made us look at Watership Down from an entirely different perspective. She pointed out the comparisons of the rabbits’ characters with tyrants from history; with politics and heroics and freedom and struggle from slavery.
All from little rabbits seeking a new home.
Ever since then, I could never look at a book in quite the same way. My childhood story of Alice in Wonderland became a graphic look at the inherent perils of a monarchy and how ultimate power can often corrupt.
I will admit that I still read stories just for the pure enjoyment of them. It is my escapism, and although I appreciate and uncover many themes as I read, it’s not something that overly concerns me.
Except with my own writing.
My primary goal is to provide a story that transports readers from their own life for a time, which allows them to enjoy an adventure and a romance that excites them and satisfies them in some way, and ultimately, makes them happy and hopeful when they close the book. I write to entertain. I do not profess to be a literary novelist by any means.
But drat that perspective I was taught.
I wrote a fun series about an England where the titled gain their power from degrees of magic, and underneath lies the question of whether one man has the right to feel superior to another because of a genetic line of sorcery…or an accident of birth. I wrote a hero who can shape-shift into a lion but who possesses no other powers of magic and is treated with disdain by society because of…his lack of magic? Or the beast that he becomes? Don’t all men have a beastly nature they fight against every day? A heroine has her magic stolen from her. How many children have their rights stolen from those who are supposed to protect them? And another heroine whose nature is split into two, the bad part of her loosed as a separate being. What would we accomplish if we discarded the morals that bind us? What damage would we cause?
And in my December release, BENEATH THE THIRTEEN MOONS, magical power is given to those who can ingest a drug that taps into undiscovered areas of the mind. It includes a monarchy where the drug is pronounced illegal so they can supposedly protect the citizenry--but ultimately control the power. And even worse, knowledge is made available to only certain members of society. Because knowledge is power.
And in the first book of my new series, THE FIRE LORD’S LOVER, I explore the degradation of slavery, where THE ELVEN LORDS consider humans as little more than animals. Fantasy? Historically, certain members of our society have been called the same because of their religious beliefs or the color of their skin. And in the first book, I created a hero who is forced to bury that which makes him human in order to survive. During Hitler’s reign, how many people were forced to do the same? And how many people, like my heroine, fought to find and uncover the inherent goodness in people?
Throughout all of my books there is one abiding (major) theme. That true love can not only bring out the best in people but also allow remarkable acts of bravery. And ultimately has the power to save the world.
I hope readers enjoy my books for what they are: compelling escapes into new worlds, sexy fun with characters to fall in love with, and new adventures to experience. But for those of you who were taught to look at novels with a different perspective: welcome to my secret world.
In class, we read a charming story about a group of rabbits forced from their home. I totally believed in each of the furry characters, and although it’s been some time since I read it, I still remember the struggles and trials the little rabbits had to face. I thought it was a charming fantasy story meant more for older children rather than adults.
And then my English teacher made us look at Watership Down from an entirely different perspective. She pointed out the comparisons of the rabbits’ characters with tyrants from history; with politics and heroics and freedom and struggle from slavery.
All from little rabbits seeking a new home.
Ever since then, I could never look at a book in quite the same way. My childhood story of Alice in Wonderland became a graphic look at the inherent perils of a monarchy and how ultimate power can often corrupt.
I will admit that I still read stories just for the pure enjoyment of them. It is my escapism, and although I appreciate and uncover many themes as I read, it’s not something that overly concerns me.
Except with my own writing.
My primary goal is to provide a story that transports readers from their own life for a time, which allows them to enjoy an adventure and a romance that excites them and satisfies them in some way, and ultimately, makes them happy and hopeful when they close the book. I write to entertain. I do not profess to be a literary novelist by any means.
But drat that perspective I was taught.
I wrote a fun series about an England where the titled gain their power from degrees of magic, and underneath lies the question of whether one man has the right to feel superior to another because of a genetic line of sorcery…or an accident of birth. I wrote a hero who can shape-shift into a lion but who possesses no other powers of magic and is treated with disdain by society because of…his lack of magic? Or the beast that he becomes? Don’t all men have a beastly nature they fight against every day? A heroine has her magic stolen from her. How many children have their rights stolen from those who are supposed to protect them? And another heroine whose nature is split into two, the bad part of her loosed as a separate being. What would we accomplish if we discarded the morals that bind us? What damage would we cause?
And in my December release, BENEATH THE THIRTEEN MOONS, magical power is given to those who can ingest a drug that taps into undiscovered areas of the mind. It includes a monarchy where the drug is pronounced illegal so they can supposedly protect the citizenry--but ultimately control the power. And even worse, knowledge is made available to only certain members of society. Because knowledge is power.
And in the first book of my new series, THE FIRE LORD’S LOVER, I explore the degradation of slavery, where THE ELVEN LORDS consider humans as little more than animals. Fantasy? Historically, certain members of our society have been called the same because of their religious beliefs or the color of their skin. And in the first book, I created a hero who is forced to bury that which makes him human in order to survive. During Hitler’s reign, how many people were forced to do the same? And how many people, like my heroine, fought to find and uncover the inherent goodness in people?
Throughout all of my books there is one abiding (major) theme. That true love can not only bring out the best in people but also allow remarkable acts of bravery. And ultimately has the power to save the world.
I hope readers enjoy my books for what they are: compelling escapes into new worlds, sexy fun with characters to fall in love with, and new adventures to experience. But for those of you who were taught to look at novels with a different perspective: welcome to my secret world.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Halloween Party-Fun with my fellow writers!
Hope you had a fun Halloween!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
German Edition Covers...
I had some readers ask about the German editions of my covers for Enchanting the Lady and Double Enchantment, and so I'm sharing them here today. I have laid out the cover for each book side by side, and I think it's fascinating to note the differences in presentation to a foreign audience. I was so thrilled that my books translated to another language, to be read by people who live in a different culture, to reach a country I can only hope to visit some day. There is something awe-inspiring about my stories touching the lives of people I've never met. And one thing that never occurred to me when I started writing: that I would make so many new friends, even in other countries where I did not speak the language.

Thursday, October 21, 2010
A favorite quote from THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER...
I received the nicest email from a reader, and she shared with me her favorite line from THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER, which I thought I'd share with you today:
"Sometimes our dreams are all that we have to protect us."
Here's wishing that your own dreams protect you from the sometimes harsh realities of our lives,
"Sometimes our dreams are all that we have to protect us."
Here's wishing that your own dreams protect you from the sometimes harsh realities of our lives,
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
For Writers: My Journey of sales to inspire you.
I started out writing short fiction before tackling an entire manuscript. I had published several short stories in small press SF/F publications, honing my writing skills in shorter fiction and establishing publication credits. I had a fantastic experience with SF/F editors, who were all so willing and helpful in providing feedback on my stories. When I made my first ‘pro’ sale, to Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Sword & Sorceress series, I felt that perhaps I was now ready to write an entire book. I do recall that MZB accepted that first story (a romantic fantasy titled Spirit Quest—you can read all about it in the Short Stories page on my website) by sending me a letter and contract through the mail. I also recall that my knees gave out and the couch was (fortunately) beneath me at the time.
I then wrote my first manuscript, Beneath the Thirteen Moons, a combination of SF/F and romance, all the things that I love. And I had a devil of a time selling it. There was no umbrella of Paranormal Romance at the time, so no one knew how to market it. I received rejections from SF/F houses that said “too much romance”, and rejections from Romance houses that said “too much fantasy”. I finally found Five Star, a small press house, whose editor at that time, Russell Davis, was actually looking for the type of story I had written. He called--my knees only wobbled this time--and Beneath the Thirteen Moons was released in hardcover. I was very naïve at the time, and Russell gave me the best piece of advice: join RWA. I then spent the next year or so learning about the ‘selling’ of books, creating a website, exploring marketing opportunities, etc. And the best part, meeting other writers.
Because of my difficulty in selling my first manuscript, I then wrote a historical romance titled My Unfair Lady, and I did manage to interest an agent with that manuscript. But the entire time I was writing it, I kept thinking: “What if?”
What if the titles of the nobility were based on magical talent? What if Merlin actually had magic in his blood, and passed it down to his descendants? And despite the market, I wrote the book of my heart, combining the research I did for my historical romance novel along with the fantasy that I just couldn’t resist weaving into my stories.
I shelved My Unfair Lady, pursuing (what turned out to be) the first book in my magical new series, The Relics of Merlin. I sold book one, Enchanting the Lady, to my first mainstream publishing house. Now by this time, ‘paranormal’ romance had become a good seller, and although my books are fantasy romances, publishers knew how to market them. And that they would have an audience. I wrote two more books in the series when I was approached by another publisher.
I’m going to circle back to that historical romance manuscript, My Unfair Lady. Besides launching into a new series, The Elven Lords, another magical variation on historical England, my new publisher wanted to look at everything I had written.
My Unfair Lady was published in December of last year, and received a starred review from Publishers Weekly and a Library Journal editor’s pick. My first book, Beneath the Thirteen Moons, is re-releasing December of this year in mm paperback. Remember, these are two books that were rejected by just about every publisher under the sun, once long ago. So based on my publishing experience I can offer this advice: nothing you write is ever a ‘waste’, writing is subject to personal opinion and the whims of the market, continue to write the book of your heart regardless of the market, cause this business is always changing.
And for me, I feel as if I’ve had more than one ‘first sale’. I’ve had many of them, sometimes circling back on one another. And although my knees don’t give out anymore, each time I see my book hit the shelves I experience that same thrill.
I hope my publishing journey inspired you in some way, and if I can offer any advice or support, please feel free to leave me a comment.
My Magical Best,
I then wrote my first manuscript, Beneath the Thirteen Moons, a combination of SF/F and romance, all the things that I love. And I had a devil of a time selling it. There was no umbrella of Paranormal Romance at the time, so no one knew how to market it. I received rejections from SF/F houses that said “too much romance”, and rejections from Romance houses that said “too much fantasy”. I finally found Five Star, a small press house, whose editor at that time, Russell Davis, was actually looking for the type of story I had written. He called--my knees only wobbled this time--and Beneath the Thirteen Moons was released in hardcover. I was very naïve at the time, and Russell gave me the best piece of advice: join RWA. I then spent the next year or so learning about the ‘selling’ of books, creating a website, exploring marketing opportunities, etc. And the best part, meeting other writers.
Because of my difficulty in selling my first manuscript, I then wrote a historical romance titled My Unfair Lady, and I did manage to interest an agent with that manuscript. But the entire time I was writing it, I kept thinking: “What if?”
What if the titles of the nobility were based on magical talent? What if Merlin actually had magic in his blood, and passed it down to his descendants? And despite the market, I wrote the book of my heart, combining the research I did for my historical romance novel along with the fantasy that I just couldn’t resist weaving into my stories.
I shelved My Unfair Lady, pursuing (what turned out to be) the first book in my magical new series, The Relics of Merlin. I sold book one, Enchanting the Lady, to my first mainstream publishing house. Now by this time, ‘paranormal’ romance had become a good seller, and although my books are fantasy romances, publishers knew how to market them. And that they would have an audience. I wrote two more books in the series when I was approached by another publisher.
I’m going to circle back to that historical romance manuscript, My Unfair Lady. Besides launching into a new series, The Elven Lords, another magical variation on historical England, my new publisher wanted to look at everything I had written.
My Unfair Lady was published in December of last year, and received a starred review from Publishers Weekly and a Library Journal editor’s pick. My first book, Beneath the Thirteen Moons, is re-releasing December of this year in mm paperback. Remember, these are two books that were rejected by just about every publisher under the sun, once long ago. So based on my publishing experience I can offer this advice: nothing you write is ever a ‘waste’, writing is subject to personal opinion and the whims of the market, continue to write the book of your heart regardless of the market, cause this business is always changing.
And for me, I feel as if I’ve had more than one ‘first sale’. I’ve had many of them, sometimes circling back on one another. And although my knees don’t give out anymore, each time I see my book hit the shelves I experience that same thrill.
I hope my publishing journey inspired you in some way, and if I can offer any advice or support, please feel free to leave me a comment.
My Magical Best,
Saturday, October 16, 2010
A lovely note from the winner of my last contest...

From: Susan W
Subject: Chocolate necklace
Date: Thursday, October 14, 2010, 6:25 AM
I hope this finds you well. Sorry I've been delayed in getting back to you, but I've been away from a computer a few days. As to the necklace.
I usually save the good mail for last when I get back in the house, but I ripped into the package first thing. When I opened the box, I passed the "ooooo" test, the first thing I uttered, then that it was just lovely. Of course, I was talking to my cats, as they are interested in my mail, even if it's just waiting for me to crumple and throw. Okay, I talk to myself a bit, too. The necklace sparkled, just the right length to wear, the pendant was neither too big or small and, to me, was a mixture of traditional with just a touch of contemporary design. I thought it was beautiful. And, of course, I love chocolate diamonds, well, most anything chocolate is hard to resist, but mix with diamonds, a hard to beat combination. My co-worker was also waiting for it to arrive and she thought it was beautiful. I can wear it casual or a little bit more dressy, love it.
Thanks so much for the opportunity to win this and for pulling my name. My mom was the one to win door prizes and such, I don't have her golden touch. So, it's a really thrilling event for me.
With much appreciation,
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Win $240 in prizes--New Contest for BENEATH THE THIRTEEN MOONS
To celebrate the re-release of BENEATH THE THIRTEEN MOONS in mass-market paperback, I am offering three opportunities to win the original hardcover first print edition of the book. Currently valued at close to $80.00 for a used edition on, the total prizes being offered is close to $240.00 or more, as these copies are brand new and signed by the author, and copies are limited.There are three ways (categories) to enter:
1. Send an email with CONTEST in the subject line to: and tell me what was your favorite scene in THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER, and why.
2. If you are one of my newsletter subscribers add NS to CONTEST in the subject line (answering the same questions). I will hold one drawing for all entries, and another drawing for ONLY those entries with NS in the subject line, as a special bonus for my newsletter subscribers.
3. I am offering another copy to thank those of my readers who have shown such support for my books by commenting on my blog, posting a review, commenting on my guest blog tour, mentioning my books on any public forum, etc. Just send an email to: with SPECIAL READER in the subject line, and let me know where, when & what name you posted the comment under.
A winner will be randomly chosen using RANDOM.ORG. Your information will be kept confidential. Contest ends November 30th, 2010. Only one entry per each category. Void where prohibited by law. You must be 18 years or older to enter. No prize substitution permitted. Odds of winning are determined by number of entrants. This contest is subject to all federal, state and local laws and regulations.
1. Send an email with CONTEST in the subject line to: and tell me what was your favorite scene in THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER, and why.
2. If you are one of my newsletter subscribers add NS to CONTEST in the subject line (answering the same questions). I will hold one drawing for all entries, and another drawing for ONLY those entries with NS in the subject line, as a special bonus for my newsletter subscribers.
3. I am offering another copy to thank those of my readers who have shown such support for my books by commenting on my blog, posting a review, commenting on my guest blog tour, mentioning my books on any public forum, etc. Just send an email to: with SPECIAL READER in the subject line, and let me know where, when & what name you posted the comment under.
A winner will be randomly chosen using RANDOM.ORG. Your information will be kept confidential. Contest ends November 30th, 2010. Only one entry per each category. Void where prohibited by law. You must be 18 years or older to enter. No prize substitution permitted. Odds of winning are determined by number of entrants. This contest is subject to all federal, state and local laws and regulations.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Wacky Weather!
Yesterday we had a hailstorm come out of nowhere and pound the Valley of the Sun here in Arizona. The day before, we had our normal temperature of close to 100 degrees, and then a hailstorm lowered the temp by half and started out with pea-sized hail, and a few hours later, graduated to golf-ball size. Our two office windows were shattered, along with both skylights, and after checking the roof, we also realized that we are likely going to have to get it replaced, it was so beat up. These are the times when you're grateful to have insurance! Anyway, just sharing a few pics today of this unusual event, as I've lived in Arizona for more than thirty years and have never seen the like.
I'm hoping my friends did not get hit too severely, and that this storm is not traveling along to other states and causing more damage.

I'm hoping my friends did not get hit too severely, and that this storm is not traveling along to other states and causing more damage.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Prinny Dood!!
If you have no idea what that phrase means, trust me, thousands of kids do. My son recently went to a ComicCon convention, and his friend made him this costume. Apparently this is some penguin anime character from a video game called Disgaea.
but apparently the kids at the anime convention had no difficulty in recognizing the character. Shouts of "Prinny Dood!" abounded. Girls hugged him (err, by report, some of them were hot). They asked to have their photos taken with him. One guy even asked for a glomp (translation: tackle hug).
He was like Mickey Mouse at Disneyland...only more popular.
If you saw a cute guy in a sexy car driving with a penguin in the passenger seat yesterday, yeah, that was my kids. They received honks & thumbs up signs.
My home is often filled with lots of laughter.
I wish the same for you.
I wish the same for you.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Blending History With Fantasy
I love all the pomp and beauty and sometimes downright wickedness of history. Medieval, Tudor, Victorian or Georgian, there’s something both elegant and mysterious about every era that draws me in.
Although my books are primarily romances and therefore much of the research I do doesn’t wind up in my books, I still have to really have a sense and a feel for the era. When I start researching I’m often drawn to new topics, and have to force myself to stick with the subject that I need an answer to, or I’d never finish my next book. And some of the information I find may be historically accurate, but if my readers aren’t familiar with the concept, or that particular development in technology, I don’t use it, although I do try to be as accurate as possible. There’s also a certain style when writing historicals that I adhere to. Whenever I run across a word that seems too modern, I check it as often as possible.
I admire historians because there’s so much conflicting information, even from one reference book to another. I often have to choose which fact seems more likely. In many instances it’s a matter of not enough information surviving for a historian to make a judgment on, and they’re forced to come up with the best theory. And it seems like the more research I do, the more I realize I don’t know.
There’s a particular research book I used for the Victorian era that I think both readers and writers would enjoy. Filled with gorgeous photos, it presents factual information in a lively and entertaining manner. It’s titled, To Marry an English Lord, by Gail MacColl and Carol McD. Wallace.
In historicals you can have the uncertainty of an arranged marriage. Gentlemen were, for the most part, bound by morals and codes of conduct, a perfect recipe for dashing heroes. Ladies were raised to a certain standard of behavior, and women who rebelled or stepped out of this concept of what a woman should be make for an unusual heroine. Historicals provide the best setting for a Cinderella story (one of my favorite themes) where a poor woman can rise to the ranks of the rich.
The system of nobility makes for interesting conflict between the hero and heroine. And where else do you have such a plethora of nobility who make pleasure an art form? The balls, the fetes, the dinner parties. The elaborate clothing of silk and satin and gowns that transformed a lady into a princess. Tea and silver and crumpets and doilies. The horse races and garden parties and seaside resorts. Mansions glittering with gilt, marble floors, paintings of master artists, and sweeping staircases. There’s so such romance and elegance to the historical era that makes for great fantasy.
And when you’re writing what you love, and researching what fascinates you, it feels like magic.
Although my books are primarily romances and therefore much of the research I do doesn’t wind up in my books, I still have to really have a sense and a feel for the era. When I start researching I’m often drawn to new topics, and have to force myself to stick with the subject that I need an answer to, or I’d never finish my next book. And some of the information I find may be historically accurate, but if my readers aren’t familiar with the concept, or that particular development in technology, I don’t use it, although I do try to be as accurate as possible. There’s also a certain style when writing historicals that I adhere to. Whenever I run across a word that seems too modern, I check it as often as possible.
I admire historians because there’s so much conflicting information, even from one reference book to another. I often have to choose which fact seems more likely. In many instances it’s a matter of not enough information surviving for a historian to make a judgment on, and they’re forced to come up with the best theory. And it seems like the more research I do, the more I realize I don’t know.
There’s a particular research book I used for the Victorian era that I think both readers and writers would enjoy. Filled with gorgeous photos, it presents factual information in a lively and entertaining manner. It’s titled, To Marry an English Lord, by Gail MacColl and Carol McD. Wallace.
In historicals you can have the uncertainty of an arranged marriage. Gentlemen were, for the most part, bound by morals and codes of conduct, a perfect recipe for dashing heroes. Ladies were raised to a certain standard of behavior, and women who rebelled or stepped out of this concept of what a woman should be make for an unusual heroine. Historicals provide the best setting for a Cinderella story (one of my favorite themes) where a poor woman can rise to the ranks of the rich.
The system of nobility makes for interesting conflict between the hero and heroine. And where else do you have such a plethora of nobility who make pleasure an art form? The balls, the fetes, the dinner parties. The elaborate clothing of silk and satin and gowns that transformed a lady into a princess. Tea and silver and crumpets and doilies. The horse races and garden parties and seaside resorts. Mansions glittering with gilt, marble floors, paintings of master artists, and sweeping staircases. There’s so such romance and elegance to the historical era that makes for great fantasy.
And when you’re writing what you love, and researching what fascinates you, it feels like magic.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Join me today at:
I was thrilled to have the opportunity to blog at Borders True Romance, hosted by the incomparable Sue Grimshaw! Join me today for an interview publisher will be giving away five copies of THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER. Yes, five! I'm sure we will have a great time, so come on by:
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Win a copy of THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER at
Stop by, leave a comment, and you're entered to win!
(And yes, I thought my blog tour was over, but when someone is kind enough to ask me to guest blog, it's hard for me to say no. :)
(And yes, I thought my blog tour was over, but when someone is kind enough to ask me to guest blog, it's hard for me to say no. :)
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Because I'm goofy about my dogs...
Both Precious and Baggins were on our large patio when a pigeon dared to enter their domain. Please keep in mind that this particular pigeon topped them by at least four inches. They both tore off after the bird, barking up a storm, little nails clattering on the cement. Unfortunately, the pigeon didn’t realize he was supposed to be frightened and fly away. He just stood there cocking his head at my dogs. When Precious and Baggins realized the bird wasn’t running away from them (and the look on their faces at that moment will be burned into my brain forever), they both put on the brakes, little legs trying to backpedal as fast as they could. I swear there are still skid marks on my patio. Then the pigeon finally got wise, and flew away. My dogs let loose some triumphant barks, stuck their noses and tails in the air, and proudly sauntered away. But it was touch-and-go for a moment there.
I hope my girls bring you a smile today, as they always manage to do with me.
Monday, September 13, 2010
THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER is a Fresh Pick at Fresh Fiction!
THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER is the Fresh Pick for September 14, 2010
Your cover and a link to THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER will appear on every page of on September 14, 2010 and mailed to the subscribers of the Fresh Pick newsletter on September 14, 2010. We'll also Twitter and post on our Facebook Fan page about our selection on September 14, 2010. Feel free to reTweet or link.
The Fresh Pick is chosen by a group of readers and is never a purchased advertisement or promotion. We've chosen your book because it appeals to us and we like to share our diverse tastes in reading and hope other readers will give it a try.
Your cover and a link to THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER will appear on every page of on September 14, 2010 and mailed to the subscribers of the Fresh Pick newsletter on September 14, 2010. We'll also Twitter and post on our Facebook Fan page about our selection on September 14, 2010. Feel free to reTweet or link.
The Fresh Pick is chosen by a group of readers and is never a purchased advertisement or promotion. We've chosen your book because it appeals to us and we like to share our diverse tastes in reading and hope other readers will give it a try.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Some more five star/rave reviews for THE FIRE LORD’S LOVER!
Since I don’t always get the opportunity to thank each one individually, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all the readers and reviewers who worked so hard on their reviews for THE FIRE LORD’S LOVER:
“LOVED it! If only it could be in hardback with silver gilded pages it would sit on my shelves forever for later re-reads.”~
“I will be trolling the next book like a rabid fangirl.”~
“This was easily one of my favorite books of the year!”~
“I don’t think I can say this enough…I love love love this book.”~
“Outstanding Book That Will Stay On My BookshelfFor Rereading!”~
“This author proves she’s got what it takes to magically weave a story that will leave you spellbound.”~
“The plot was fresh and riveting and designed to keep you turning page after page even though you should be in bed asleep.”~
“The first book in the series entitled The Elven Lords by Kathryne Kennedy, The Fire Lord’s Lover, proved to be an enchanting, provocative story that blended all the best elements of the fantasy and romance genres.”~
“This is a superb Georgian romantic fantasy that effortlessly merges facts of early eighteenth century London with a mythical spin.”~
“Be warned as you won’t want to put this book down until the last page.”~
“I love THE FIRE LORD’S LOVER, Ms. Kennedy is onto a winner.”~
“Any story in the hands of a true storyteller can work for almost any reader if delivered in the right way. I have seen that again and again with other people but rarely with myself until The Fire Lord’s Lover.”~
With Appreciation,
“LOVED it! If only it could be in hardback with silver gilded pages it would sit on my shelves forever for later re-reads.”~
“I will be trolling the next book like a rabid fangirl.”~
“This was easily one of my favorite books of the year!”~
“I don’t think I can say this enough…I love love love this book.”~
“Outstanding Book That Will Stay On My BookshelfFor Rereading!”~
“This author proves she’s got what it takes to magically weave a story that will leave you spellbound.”~
“The plot was fresh and riveting and designed to keep you turning page after page even though you should be in bed asleep.”~
“The first book in the series entitled The Elven Lords by Kathryne Kennedy, The Fire Lord’s Lover, proved to be an enchanting, provocative story that blended all the best elements of the fantasy and romance genres.”~
“This is a superb Georgian romantic fantasy that effortlessly merges facts of early eighteenth century London with a mythical spin.”~
“Be warned as you won’t want to put this book down until the last page.”~
“I love THE FIRE LORD’S LOVER, Ms. Kennedy is onto a winner.”~
“Any story in the hands of a true storyteller can work for almost any reader if delivered in the right way. I have seen that again and again with other people but rarely with myself until The Fire Lord’s Lover.”~
With Appreciation,
Friday, September 3, 2010
Booklist Reviews THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER
Booklist Online Exclusive: August 25, 2010
The Fire Lord's Lover.
Kennedy, Kathryne (Author)
Jul 2010. 384 p. Sourcebooks/Casablanca, paperback, $7.99. (9781402236525).
In an alternate Georgian England divided into seven realms by evil elves who had left the peaceful Elfhame, their offspring are tested and those who have inherited strong magical powers are sent to Elfhame while those who have lesser powers often become slaves. General Dominic Raikes, the Champion and bastard son of Mor’ded, the fire wielding Elven ruler of Firehame returns to London after winning a battle against a neighboring Elven lord resulting in custody of King George and his court. His reward, or possibly his punishment, is to marry Lady Cassandra who seems mousey and unlikely to earn his love. Cassandra, however has been secretly trained as an assassin utilizing her magical dance skills. Dominic has good reason for his aloof coldness but Cass wins him over placing both of them as well as all the humans in Firehame in peril. The unique world Kennedy has created and the underground rebellion of humans against their cruel magical rulers is enticing. Readers will be eagerly anticipating the sequels to experience the other six unique realms and follow the epic conflict between humans and elves that is just beginning as well as enjoying the sexy romantic intrigue.
— Diana Tixier Herald
The Fire Lord's Lover.
Kennedy, Kathryne (Author)
Jul 2010. 384 p. Sourcebooks/Casablanca, paperback, $7.99. (9781402236525).
In an alternate Georgian England divided into seven realms by evil elves who had left the peaceful Elfhame, their offspring are tested and those who have inherited strong magical powers are sent to Elfhame while those who have lesser powers often become slaves. General Dominic Raikes, the Champion and bastard son of Mor’ded, the fire wielding Elven ruler of Firehame returns to London after winning a battle against a neighboring Elven lord resulting in custody of King George and his court. His reward, or possibly his punishment, is to marry Lady Cassandra who seems mousey and unlikely to earn his love. Cassandra, however has been secretly trained as an assassin utilizing her magical dance skills. Dominic has good reason for his aloof coldness but Cass wins him over placing both of them as well as all the humans in Firehame in peril. The unique world Kennedy has created and the underground rebellion of humans against their cruel magical rulers is enticing. Readers will be eagerly anticipating the sequels to experience the other six unique realms and follow the epic conflict between humans and elves that is just beginning as well as enjoying the sexy romantic intrigue.
— Diana Tixier Herald
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
You know you're an avid romance reader if...
Today I thought I would pay homage to all the wonderful romance readers who have followed my tour and who have written such wonderful comments to me. Of course, each person’s mileage may vary, as we are all unique individuals, but I believe I have listed the general characteristics of many romance readers.
You know you’re an avid romance reader if…
Walking into a room covered in flowers and candles makes you weak in your knees.
You have sex more often with your partner (I can’t recall the percentage, but it’s been documented that women who read romances have more encounters than those who don’t.)
The sight of the New Romance Releases shelf in the bookstore makes your heart pitter-patter.
Your library card is frayed about the edges, worn in the middle, and frequently needs to be replaced.
You have a tender heart (you wouldn’t be reading romances otherwise).
You start to write your own books. (There can never be too many.)
You start a blog where you share your love of romance books, because you are too excited to keep your thoughts on the books you’ve read only limited to just close family and friends.
You recoil at the phrase, ‘bodice-rippers’, because romances have evolved so beyond that archaic term, that whoever uses it obviously hasn’t read any.
Even if you haven’t read all the classics yet, you recognize the names: Austen, Heyer, Bronte…and you’re itching to add to this list.
Moonlight is for stolen kisses, a quiet pond is for a boat for two, a rainstorm is for taking shelter in a gazebo, a tree-lined path is for walking hand-in-hand, satin sheets are for…well you know.
You love animals. Not sure why this is a general trait…I think it has something to do with the tender heart.
You firmly believe that without love, life isn’t worth living.
Chocolate is high on your list of favorite foods.
As long as they have a good heart, you remain fond of men, even when they are behaving badly.
You are kind to authors, and other romance readers, because you know that they share your passion.
Of course, the only reason I could put this list together is because I’m an avid romance reader myself. It takes one to know one. :}
Wishing my Fellow Romance Readers all of my Best!
You know you’re an avid romance reader if…
Walking into a room covered in flowers and candles makes you weak in your knees.
You have sex more often with your partner (I can’t recall the percentage, but it’s been documented that women who read romances have more encounters than those who don’t.)
The sight of the New Romance Releases shelf in the bookstore makes your heart pitter-patter.
Your library card is frayed about the edges, worn in the middle, and frequently needs to be replaced.
You have a tender heart (you wouldn’t be reading romances otherwise).
You start to write your own books. (There can never be too many.)
You start a blog where you share your love of romance books, because you are too excited to keep your thoughts on the books you’ve read only limited to just close family and friends.
You recoil at the phrase, ‘bodice-rippers’, because romances have evolved so beyond that archaic term, that whoever uses it obviously hasn’t read any.
Even if you haven’t read all the classics yet, you recognize the names: Austen, Heyer, Bronte…and you’re itching to add to this list.
Moonlight is for stolen kisses, a quiet pond is for a boat for two, a rainstorm is for taking shelter in a gazebo, a tree-lined path is for walking hand-in-hand, satin sheets are for…well you know.
You love animals. Not sure why this is a general trait…I think it has something to do with the tender heart.
You firmly believe that without love, life isn’t worth living.
Chocolate is high on your list of favorite foods.
As long as they have a good heart, you remain fond of men, even when they are behaving badly.
You are kind to authors, and other romance readers, because you know that they share your passion.
Of course, the only reason I could put this list together is because I’m an avid romance reader myself. It takes one to know one. :}
Wishing my Fellow Romance Readers all of my Best!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
FOR WRITERS: Pitch your book to my editor!
Today my editor at Sourcebooks Publishing, Deb Werksman, is taking pitches of your book, and offering a free critique at: Here are the details:
Back by popular demand!! Another pitch session with me!
This time, I'm asking for ONLY the pitch for your HOOK.
Pitches should look like this :[Subgenre] Example: historical/paranormal romance trilogy [2-4 sentence hook]
Example: Regency England is the glittering backdrop for the noble and the undead, where the gentlemen vampires are high sticklers. They would never bite a young lady to whom they had not been properly introduced! The first book features battle-born Scottish witch Blaire whose fearsome powers don't help her at all when she falls in love with charming vampire Lord James Kettering, until the pair discover the power of love to re-awaken even the deadest of hearts...
[author history] Example: Lydia Dare is a bestselling writing team with 4 paranormal historical romances being published.Another example: X is a debut author with 5 unpublished manuscripts written.Another example: Y is a multi-published author of 9 books and 3 novellas with top e-book publishers.
Private pitches (to my email address will only get a "yea" or "nay" response--only public pitches will get any form of critique.
All critiques will be done by Friday, September 3.
PS You may also send full submissions to me directly at
Please send full synopsis and full manuscript.
I am looking for: *single title romance in all subgenres *about 90,000 words *series and trilogies: please give me a paragraph or two on each of the next few books
Editorial criteria: *a heroine the reader can relate to *a hero she can fall in love with *a world gets created *a hook I can sell with in 2-3 sentences *the author has a career arc (in other words, if the readers love this book, what do we sell them next, and next, and next?)
Back by popular demand!! Another pitch session with me!
This time, I'm asking for ONLY the pitch for your HOOK.
Pitches should look like this :[Subgenre] Example: historical/paranormal romance trilogy [2-4 sentence hook]
Example: Regency England is the glittering backdrop for the noble and the undead, where the gentlemen vampires are high sticklers. They would never bite a young lady to whom they had not been properly introduced! The first book features battle-born Scottish witch Blaire whose fearsome powers don't help her at all when she falls in love with charming vampire Lord James Kettering, until the pair discover the power of love to re-awaken even the deadest of hearts...
[author history] Example: Lydia Dare is a bestselling writing team with 4 paranormal historical romances being published.Another example: X is a debut author with 5 unpublished manuscripts written.Another example: Y is a multi-published author of 9 books and 3 novellas with top e-book publishers.
Private pitches (to my email address will only get a "yea" or "nay" response--only public pitches will get any form of critique.
All critiques will be done by Friday, September 3.
PS You may also send full submissions to me directly at
Please send full synopsis and full manuscript.
I am looking for: *single title romance in all subgenres *about 90,000 words *series and trilogies: please give me a paragraph or two on each of the next few books
Editorial criteria: *a heroine the reader can relate to *a hero she can fall in love with *a world gets created *a hook I can sell with in 2-3 sentences *the author has a career arc (in other words, if the readers love this book, what do we sell them next, and next, and next?)
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER appears in the newspapers

It's always exciting to see your book in the papers, and it was even more so to receive such a lovely review. When I posted this I realized that you couldn't really read the article, so here's a bit of what the reviewer said:
"Kathryne's story is richly woven, its characters strongly drawn and quick to engender feelings for them, whether good, or, in the case of Mor'ded, ill."~Claudia Sherrill, Today Staff
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER hits a bestseller list
A big THANK YOU to all the readers who made it happen!
A big THANK YOU to all the readers who made it happen!
Monday, August 9, 2010
You Are What You Love:
Today I'm at my publisher's group blog talking about school and how it relates to your career:
Casablanca Authors -
As always, I love to hear from friends & readers!
Casablanca Authors -
As always, I love to hear from friends & readers!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Eloisa James and...MY UNFAIR LADY!;jsessionid=4A756624658D0AE6DB1B3EB83CEDB842
I'm thrilled that the fabulously talented author, Eloisa James, included My Unfair Lady in the article she wrote above for Barnes & Noble's Review column titled Twice-Told Tales. Eloisa introduces her wonderful Cinderella re-telling, A Kiss at Midnight, and also talks about other new twists on old classics, such as Lisa Kleypas's Love in the Afternoon and Sherri Browning Erwin's mash-up of Jane Eyre, Jane Slayre. I'm flattered to be in such fine company, and by Eloisa's very kind words about My Unfair Lady.
I'm thrilled that the fabulously talented author, Eloisa James, included My Unfair Lady in the article she wrote above for Barnes & Noble's Review column titled Twice-Told Tales. Eloisa introduces her wonderful Cinderella re-telling, A Kiss at Midnight, and also talks about other new twists on old classics, such as Lisa Kleypas's Love in the Afternoon and Sherri Browning Erwin's mash-up of Jane Eyre, Jane Slayre. I'm flattered to be in such fine company, and by Eloisa's very kind words about My Unfair Lady.
Wickedly Romantic...and Pirates!
I've got two blog posts up today! Join me for an interview at:
(Although I won't be giving away a copy of The Fire Lord's Lover, the pirate who interviewed me is providing a copy to one lucky commenter. So if you stop by, be sure to leave a comment!
And I've posted the Top Seven Wickedly Romantic Elements in The Fire Lord's Lover:
Let me know if you agree, or want to add your own!
(Although I won't be giving away a copy of The Fire Lord's Lover, the pirate who interviewed me is providing a copy to one lucky commenter. So if you stop by, be sure to leave a comment!
And I've posted the Top Seven Wickedly Romantic Elements in The Fire Lord's Lover:
Let me know if you agree, or want to add your own!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
I've just recently posted this to my website, and thought I would share it here. I enjoy doing book videos. It's a way for me to put my creativity into something visual, and although it's hard to find eighteenth century pictures, it's even harder to find those combining the fantasy element. So I took a bit of each, and alternated them for the video.
I think I should call this a teaser, because unlike most of my videos, it does not go into the detail of the plot, because I had to intro the series as well. But I wanted it short, as close to sixty seconds as I could get, but with enough information to provide a good idea of the book. So for a quick break into fantasy, here is The Fire Lord's Lover:
I think I should call this a teaser, because unlike most of my videos, it does not go into the detail of the plot, because I had to intro the series as well. But I wanted it short, as close to sixty seconds as I could get, but with enough information to provide a good idea of the book. So for a quick break into fantasy, here is The Fire Lord's Lover:
Friday, July 30, 2010
Last day to win a copy of THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER on my blog tour:
Yes! Today is the very last day of my blog tour, and I'm having a great time talking about Dominic & Cassandra's love story in THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER over at Romance Junkies. We're also swapping songs that inspire passion and romance, so come on by with your own favorite! Tell me about it in the comments, and you're entered to win!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Only two more days left to win a free copy of THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER
Today I'm at:
Stop by, leave a comment, and be entered to win a copy of THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER. This is my second to last stop on my blog tour. I will be answering some fun interview questions at Shauna Robert's blog geared toward writing, and hope to see you there!
Stop by, leave a comment, and be entered to win a copy of THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER. This is my second to last stop on my blog tour. I will be answering some fun interview questions at Shauna Robert's blog geared toward writing, and hope to see you there!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Win a copy of THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER today at
Today I'm blogging at Night Owl Romance about how Dominic from THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER might go about undressing Lady Cassandra (this is a historical cheat-sheet for writers on Georgian dress, and a bit of fun for readers). Stop by, leave a comment, and you're entered to win:
Friday, July 23, 2010
I think I'm coining a new term: ORGANIC WRITING
I'm guest blogging about my writing process today. Stop by, leave a comment, and you're entered to win a copy of THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER:
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Win a copy of THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER today at
Two copies are up for grabs! Stop by, leave a comment, and you're entered! I'm talking about why I decided to combine historical and fantasy in my new THE ELVEN LORDS series, and I'm sharing an excerpt of a Georgian Fantasy wedding.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Win a copy of THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER today at
TODAY I'm answering INTERVIEW questions at the Queen of Happy Endings
Stop by, leave a comment, and you're entered to win!
And I apologize for not posting my whereabouts yesterday. I was also answering interview questions at Anna's Book Blog
Winners won't be announced until July 24th, so you still have time to enter there as well.
Good luck!
Stop by, leave a comment, and you're entered to win!
And I apologize for not posting my whereabouts yesterday. I was also answering interview questions at Anna's Book Blog
Winners won't be announced until July 24th, so you still have time to enter there as well.
Good luck!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Win a copy of THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER at
Today I'm at my very own group blog answering some interview questions. Stop by, leave a comment, and you're entered to win a free copy of THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER:
Hope to see you there!
Hope to see you there!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Haven't won yet? Join me TWO places today: and
There are two interviews up on the web today! Visit them both to increase your chances of winning a free copy of THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER:
Good Luck!
Good Luck!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Enter to win a copy of TFLL at:
Today I'm a guest at: where I'm sharing my private notes of THE ELVEN LORDS series, and giving away two copies of THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER. Stop by, leave a comment, and you're entered!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Enter to win a copy of THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER at
I'll be talking about BUILDING A FANTASY WORLD IN A HISTORICAL TIME PERIOD. Stop by, leave a comment and you're entered!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Free short stories!
Are available from some of the best established and upcoming writers in the speculative fiction (SF/F/H) genre at:
I'm not sure how long these stories will be available for free, so grab a cup of coffee and visit soon!
My CP, David Benz, is participating in this project, and his short story is amazing! Be sure to check out his title, THE CANONICAL EFFECT, a story that will have you wondering about the true identity of Jack the Ripper. Here's the direct link to David's site:
Click on 'stories' at the bottom of the page to download in a pdf doc.
I'm not sure how long these stories will be available for free, so grab a cup of coffee and visit soon!
My CP, David Benz, is participating in this project, and his short story is amazing! Be sure to check out his title, THE CANONICAL EFFECT, a story that will have you wondering about the true identity of Jack the Ripper. Here's the direct link to David's site:
Click on 'stories' at the bottom of the page to download in a pdf doc.
Friday, July 9, 2010
2 copies of THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER up for grabs today at:
I'm blogging about the Top 10 Reasons You Will Fall in Love with General Dominic Raikes from The Fire Lord's Lover at
The site owner posted that multiple entries are allowed, so leave as many (relevant) comments as you can to increase your chances of winning. Good luck!
The site owner posted that multiple entries are allowed, so leave as many (relevant) comments as you can to increase your chances of winning. Good luck!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Win a copy of THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER at
Today I'm at the Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell blog answering some interesting interview questions. She also posted a very lovely review of THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER. Stop by, leave a comment, and you're entered to win!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Win a copy of THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER at
Today I'm celebrating my release with a dear friend and talented author, Erin Quinn. I wrote a post on HOW TO TALK TO A DRAGON, my step-by-step guide to speaking with Ador, the black dragon in THE FIRE LORD’S LOVER. Stop by, leave a comment, and you're entered to win:
Monday, July 5, 2010
2 copies of THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER up for grabs at:
That's right! You'll have double the chances of winning today if you meet me at:
The steps I took in building the realm of THE ELVEN LORDS, including a never-before-seen map of the seven elven sovereignties, kindly drawn by my DH.
At the top of the page is a (very lovely) review of THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER, and just below it is my post.
Best Wishes!
The steps I took in building the realm of THE ELVEN LORDS, including a never-before-seen map of the seven elven sovereignties, kindly drawn by my DH.
At the top of the page is a (very lovely) review of THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER, and just below it is my post.
Best Wishes!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Win a book! Join me here and here
Yes, I am blogging at two places again today! Stop by, leave me a comment, and you're entered to win a copy of THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER. Here's the live links: Where I discuss HOW I JUGGLE MY WRITING AND REAL LIFE…OR NOT. Where I answer some fantastic questions in an interview, and reveal one of my guilty secrets.
I'm answering comments all day, and would love to see you there!
P.S. If you're wondering about the way I post the titles of my blog, it's because I have it linked to my Twitter, FB & MS accounts, and it only posts the first few words, so I try to cram the important info in first. :} Where I discuss HOW I JUGGLE MY WRITING AND REAL LIFE…OR NOT. Where I answer some fantastic questions in an interview, and reveal one of my guilty secrets.
I'm answering comments all day, and would love to see you there!
P.S. If you're wondering about the way I post the titles of my blog, it's because I have it linked to my Twitter, FB & MS accounts, and it only posts the first few words, so I try to cram the important info in first. :}
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Two chances to win a copy of THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER!
Today I will be guest blogging at:
debunking the myth that a writer's life is glamorous,
taking you on a musical journey through THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER.
Stop by, leave a comment, and you're entered to win!
debunking the myth that a writer's life is glamorous,
taking you on a musical journey through THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER.
Stop by, leave a comment, and you're entered to win!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Enter to win a copy of THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER at
Today I'm at Fresh Fiction blogging about HOW TO UNDRESS AN EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GENTLEMAN, or, how to undress my hero in THE FIRE LORD’S LOVER. An actual writer’s guide to eighteenth century clothing…with a dash of magic. Stop by and leave a comment to be entered to win a free copy of THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Adjustment to Blog Tour
I will appear at Sia McKye's blog discussing HOW I JUGGLE MY WRITING AND REAL LIFE...OR NOT this Friday, July 2nd, instead of today. I apologize for any confusion.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Dominic Raikes gets a K.I.S.S. from RTBookreviews!
I just picked up the July issue of RTBookreviews magazine, and much to my delighted surprise saw a picture of the cover for THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER and discovered that my hero, Dominic Raikes, was chosen as a Knight in Shining Armor (K.I.S.S.), an unforgettable hero for the month. Mac Mackenzie, the hero from my friend Jennifer Ashley's newest release, LADY ISABELLA'S SCANDALOUS MARRIAGE, was also chosen. Dominic is honored to be in such good company!
And I recently received another lovely review to share:
Rated 5/5: "Romantic fantasy author Kathryne Kennedy creates a surreal world blending fantasy with history in her captivating book THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER. This haunting story is populated with powerful three dimensional characters, including an all-knowing dragon, wonderfully detailed by Ms. Kennedy. Her unique plot, merging the worlds of elves and humans is brilliant. The hero and heroine ensnare the reader in their lives as they suffer and struggle to save the human race and find their own passionate happily ever after. Intriguing plot, engaging characters and a magical setting provide hours of entertainment. I am eagerly awaiting the next book in this fantastical Elven Lords series from inspired storyteller Kathryne Kennedy."~Reviewed by Donna for Single Titles
And I recently received another lovely review to share:
Rated 5/5: "Romantic fantasy author Kathryne Kennedy creates a surreal world blending fantasy with history in her captivating book THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER. This haunting story is populated with powerful three dimensional characters, including an all-knowing dragon, wonderfully detailed by Ms. Kennedy. Her unique plot, merging the worlds of elves and humans is brilliant. The hero and heroine ensnare the reader in their lives as they suffer and struggle to save the human race and find their own passionate happily ever after. Intriguing plot, engaging characters and a magical setting provide hours of entertainment. I am eagerly awaiting the next book in this fantastical Elven Lords series from inspired storyteller Kathryne Kennedy."~Reviewed by Donna for Single Titles
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Initial reviews for THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER
I was concerned that my readers may be taken aback by my new series, as it's much darker than my previous one. So it's with great happiness that I share some of the first reviews for Book One in THE ELVEN LORDS series: THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER.
Rated: 5/5 "The Fire Lord’s Lover is a stellar example of making historical romance fresh, exciting and special. I had a blast reading this book from cover to cover and it is absolutely going on my keeper shelf. The story is rich and vibrant, fast paced and engrossing. The romance that blossomed between Dominic and Cassandra is worthy of another re-read. I can’t wait to read more by this author. She’s amazing!"~Reviewed by Xeranthemum for Long and Short Reviews
Rated: 5/5 plus Outstanding Book "Kathryne Kennedy fans will find the ingredients they have grown to love in this author's work --- lovable characters, an enchanting world, a heart-warming romance and above all the magic of beautiful storytelling --- all brought together in a world that is darker but just as magical as her previous works. Romance readers who have not read Kathryne Kennedy are truly missing out. Few authors grab the imagination and the heart so deeply. Outstanding!"~Reviewed by Merrimon, Merrimon Book Reviews
Rated: 5/5 plus Reviewer Top Pick "Kathryne Kennedy is my go to author for elegant and sophisticated fantasy novels. She always introduces me to a new and memorable world that is fascinating, intriguing, and utterly unique. The Fire Lord's Lover is her finest work yet and I'm always awaiting her next story. Kathryne's books are the type you read again and again."~Reviewed by Tamazon for Night Owl Romance (Review will be posted on July 1)
Rated: 5/5 "The Fire Lord’s Lover is a stellar example of making historical romance fresh, exciting and special. I had a blast reading this book from cover to cover and it is absolutely going on my keeper shelf. The story is rich and vibrant, fast paced and engrossing. The romance that blossomed between Dominic and Cassandra is worthy of another re-read. I can’t wait to read more by this author. She’s amazing!"~Reviewed by Xeranthemum for Long and Short Reviews
Rated: 5/5 plus Outstanding Book "Kathryne Kennedy fans will find the ingredients they have grown to love in this author's work --- lovable characters, an enchanting world, a heart-warming romance and above all the magic of beautiful storytelling --- all brought together in a world that is darker but just as magical as her previous works. Romance readers who have not read Kathryne Kennedy are truly missing out. Few authors grab the imagination and the heart so deeply. Outstanding!"~Reviewed by Merrimon, Merrimon Book Reviews
Rated: 5/5 plus Reviewer Top Pick "Kathryne Kennedy is my go to author for elegant and sophisticated fantasy novels. She always introduces me to a new and memorable world that is fascinating, intriguing, and utterly unique. The Fire Lord's Lover is her finest work yet and I'm always awaiting her next story. Kathryne's books are the type you read again and again."~Reviewed by Tamazon for Night Owl Romance (Review will be posted on July 1)
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Lots of chances to win a free copy of THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER!
That's right! THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER hits bookstores in July, and I'm blogging all over the place to celebrate the release. Stop by any of the following blogs on the date shown, leave a comment, and you're entered. The more blogs you visit, the better chance you have of winning, so I'll be posting where I'll be here on my personal blog starting the end of June. So be sure to stop by my blog often next month for the direct links. I've written posts of interest for both readers and writers, and you'll get an exclusive inside look at THE ELVEN LORDS series.
TFLL Virtual Tour Schedule
A copy of THE FIRE LORD’S LOVER will be given away at each blog!
Where I discuss my inability to master the art of juggling.
Sia McKye’s Thoughts Over Coffee
Or, how to undress my hero in THE FIRE LORD’S LOVER. An actual writer’s guide to eighteenth century clothing…with a dash of magic.
Fresh Fiction
Debunking the myth that a writer’s life is glamorous.
My Book Addiction and More
Join me on a musical journey through THE FIRE LORD’S LOVER.
Deb’s Book Bag
The steps I took in building the realm of THE ELVEN LORDS, including a never-before-seen map of the seven elven sovereignties, kindly drawn by my DH.
Star-Crossed Romance
My step-by-step guide to speaking with Ador, the black dragon in THE FIRE LORD’S LOVER
Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell
Or, how I managed to fall so hard.
Love Romance Passion
Including the seven magical realms, and the levels of fire magic created for my villain and hero.
Historical Hussies
Are no longer private! A combination of my research, the original creation of the world and a peek at plot elements that haven’t been revealed yet.
Literary Escapism
A peek into my writing process.
Magical Musings
The Life (and lies) of a Flying Inanimate Object
Anna’s Book Blog
Queen of Happy Endings
Including a new excerpt to show how the fantasy, historical & romantic elements combine in THE FIRE LORD’S LOVER.
Linda Banche Romance Author
Or, how Dominic Raikes undresses Lady Cassandra. This is an actual writer’s guide to eighteenth century costume.
Night Owl Romance
For the Love of Words
Including a never-before-seen romantic excerpt, and the song that inspired my hero.
Romance Junkies
TFLL Virtual Tour Schedule
A copy of THE FIRE LORD’S LOVER will be given away at each blog!
Where I discuss my inability to master the art of juggling.
Sia McKye’s Thoughts Over Coffee
Or, how to undress my hero in THE FIRE LORD’S LOVER. An actual writer’s guide to eighteenth century clothing…with a dash of magic.
Fresh Fiction
Debunking the myth that a writer’s life is glamorous.
My Book Addiction and More
Join me on a musical journey through THE FIRE LORD’S LOVER.
Deb’s Book Bag
The steps I took in building the realm of THE ELVEN LORDS, including a never-before-seen map of the seven elven sovereignties, kindly drawn by my DH.
Star-Crossed Romance
My step-by-step guide to speaking with Ador, the black dragon in THE FIRE LORD’S LOVER
Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell
Or, how I managed to fall so hard.
Love Romance Passion
Including the seven magical realms, and the levels of fire magic created for my villain and hero.
Historical Hussies
Are no longer private! A combination of my research, the original creation of the world and a peek at plot elements that haven’t been revealed yet.
Literary Escapism
A peek into my writing process.
Magical Musings
The Life (and lies) of a Flying Inanimate Object
Anna’s Book Blog
Queen of Happy Endings
Including a new excerpt to show how the fantasy, historical & romantic elements combine in THE FIRE LORD’S LOVER.
Linda Banche Romance Author
Or, how Dominic Raikes undresses Lady Cassandra. This is an actual writer’s guide to eighteenth century costume.
Night Owl Romance
For the Love of Words
Including a never-before-seen romantic excerpt, and the song that inspired my hero.
Romance Junkies
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Character Cards for THE FIRE LORD’S LOVER

During my upcoming virtual tour (more to follow on that in later posts), I posted the map of the seven sovereignties in THE ELVEN LORDS series, some of my history and notes that went into building the world, and research into the costume of the era. Today I thought I’d share my character cards.
When I first started writing, I had the luxury of working up entire pages on my characters: where they went to school, what was their favorite color, favorite food, etc. (Have you ever written up a character sheet for the game Dungeons & Dragons? Very fun…and sort of similar.)
But with deadlines, I no longer have the time to do that, and truly, I wound up using less than half of that information in the actual book. It just never came up in the plot. And most of the characterization was in my head to start, and as my book progressed, so did my character. Another one of the magical elements of writing.
So now I use index cards. They are easy to flip through while I’m writing and I can include little sketches or notes as my book progresses and refer back to them pretty quickly. The cards for THE FIRE LORD’S LOVER aren’t as crowded as the ones I’m using for book two, THE LADY OF THE STORM. But you can see my (rather awful) sketches that I created as the book developed, and other tidbits important to my characters.
I hope my readers enjoy another peek into my writing process, and that other writers may find some benefit in using my method of index cards. At the end of my blog tour, I will be adding all of the items mentioned here to my website.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Romantic Times reviews The Fire Lord's Lover
THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER by Kathryne Kennedy
Genre: England, Paranormal, Historical Romance
Setting: 1724 England
RT Rating: 4.5/5 Stars!
Book one of Kennedy's Elven Lords series is a melding of historical romance and fantasy, much like Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. This enthralling story combines magic and realism as its excellent plot reaches out with great depth of emotion, heart-stopping action and characters easy to care about wrapped in a passionate love story.
In a magical world of England ruled by ruthless elven lords, Dominic Raikes, the half-breed son of the malevolent Fire Lord Mor'ded has submerged his human side in an attempt to keep his father unaware of his magical powers. Lady Cassandra Bridges, raised in purity and innocence, has been secretly trained as an assassin by the Rebellion, a band of humans who want England free of the Elven. An arranged marriage between her and Dominic is to take place within days.
Two unexpected events occur: she falls in love with her new husband and Dominic's reciprocal feelings free his human personality traits, such as passion, compassion and conscience. Together they fight to destroy the great evil being perpetrated upon the human race by the lords at the risk of their love and very existence, right up to the totally surprising climax. (SOURCEBOOKS, Jul., 384 pp., $7.99)
Reviewed By: Kathe Robin
Genre: England, Paranormal, Historical Romance
Setting: 1724 England
RT Rating: 4.5/5 Stars!
Book one of Kennedy's Elven Lords series is a melding of historical romance and fantasy, much like Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. This enthralling story combines magic and realism as its excellent plot reaches out with great depth of emotion, heart-stopping action and characters easy to care about wrapped in a passionate love story.
In a magical world of England ruled by ruthless elven lords, Dominic Raikes, the half-breed son of the malevolent Fire Lord Mor'ded has submerged his human side in an attempt to keep his father unaware of his magical powers. Lady Cassandra Bridges, raised in purity and innocence, has been secretly trained as an assassin by the Rebellion, a band of humans who want England free of the Elven. An arranged marriage between her and Dominic is to take place within days.
Two unexpected events occur: she falls in love with her new husband and Dominic's reciprocal feelings free his human personality traits, such as passion, compassion and conscience. Together they fight to destroy the great evil being perpetrated upon the human race by the lords at the risk of their love and very existence, right up to the totally surprising climax. (SOURCEBOOKS, Jul., 384 pp., $7.99)
Reviewed By: Kathe Robin
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Summer and Movies…and of course, Books!
Over at my Sourcebooks Casablanca blog, we have themes for every month, and I thought I’d share my post on summer for those of you who follow me on this blog:
When I heard that our theme for this month was summer, I had to smile. In other parts of the world, summer may be a time of family cookouts and camping and vacations. Winter is often the time to stay snugly indoors out of the snow and rain. In Arizona, winters are the best time of the year, where the temperatures are in the 70’s and everyone is out and about. But in the summer, where we hit temperatures of 120 plus degrees, it’s time for us desert-dwellers to stay inside. In the air-conditioning.
The good thing is, we have large malls, movie theaters, and lots of water attractions. Since my skin is so pale, I have a tendency to avoid the water parks, so for me, summer is all about movies. (And shopping, but that’s a given.)
I love the theater, the smell of popcorn, the drama of the big screen, the communion of a group of strangers sighing and laughing and crying over the same thing. And within the past few years, there are so many more movies that appeal to me. I have always been an avid science fiction/fantasy reader and the influx of so many more movies in this genre is a dream come true. From STAR WARS to MEN IN BLACK to LORD OF THE RINGS, I love them all. I’m grateful for the new technology that makes the production of these movies possible.
But as much as I love a good movie, I have to add that I will always prefer a good book.
Maybe it’s the imagination. When I’m reading, I use my imagination to picture the world and it’s characters. And my imagination is always better than reality, no matter how gorgeous the actors, no matter how fabulous our new technology can make dreams become real. (Although I have to admit, AVATAR came so very close!)
I just finished up some posts for my upcoming blog tour and in an interview I was asked that if my upcoming release, THE FIRE LORDS LOVER, was turned into a movie, which actor would play one of my heroes. Since Orlando Bloom (as Legolas in LORD OF THE RINGS) inspired my elven lords series, I chose him…but not as one of the elven lords themselves. For my heroes in THE ELVEN LORDS series are all half-breeds, humans with a mix of elven blood. And Orlando Bloom’s beauty is at least human. I think the elven lords themselves have become so beautiful in my mind that no real person could actually portray them.
My imagination will always be better than the reality. I wonder if that’s just a curse of the writer, or if all readers feel that way?
When I heard that our theme for this month was summer, I had to smile. In other parts of the world, summer may be a time of family cookouts and camping and vacations. Winter is often the time to stay snugly indoors out of the snow and rain. In Arizona, winters are the best time of the year, where the temperatures are in the 70’s and everyone is out and about. But in the summer, where we hit temperatures of 120 plus degrees, it’s time for us desert-dwellers to stay inside. In the air-conditioning.
The good thing is, we have large malls, movie theaters, and lots of water attractions. Since my skin is so pale, I have a tendency to avoid the water parks, so for me, summer is all about movies. (And shopping, but that’s a given.)
I love the theater, the smell of popcorn, the drama of the big screen, the communion of a group of strangers sighing and laughing and crying over the same thing. And within the past few years, there are so many more movies that appeal to me. I have always been an avid science fiction/fantasy reader and the influx of so many more movies in this genre is a dream come true. From STAR WARS to MEN IN BLACK to LORD OF THE RINGS, I love them all. I’m grateful for the new technology that makes the production of these movies possible.
But as much as I love a good movie, I have to add that I will always prefer a good book.
Maybe it’s the imagination. When I’m reading, I use my imagination to picture the world and it’s characters. And my imagination is always better than reality, no matter how gorgeous the actors, no matter how fabulous our new technology can make dreams become real. (Although I have to admit, AVATAR came so very close!)
I just finished up some posts for my upcoming blog tour and in an interview I was asked that if my upcoming release, THE FIRE LORDS LOVER, was turned into a movie, which actor would play one of my heroes. Since Orlando Bloom (as Legolas in LORD OF THE RINGS) inspired my elven lords series, I chose him…but not as one of the elven lords themselves. For my heroes in THE ELVEN LORDS series are all half-breeds, humans with a mix of elven blood. And Orlando Bloom’s beauty is at least human. I think the elven lords themselves have become so beautiful in my mind that no real person could actually portray them.
My imagination will always be better than the reality. I wonder if that’s just a curse of the writer, or if all readers feel that way?
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