Sunday, March 29, 2009

"Share the Magic"

I attended a luncheon yesterday called "Share the Magic", and no, it didn't have anything to do with fantasy. It was all about the harsh realities of the real world and the wonderful people who create true magic.

It was the Arizona Beta Sigma Phis 10th anniversay luncheon against domestic abuse. This is a small group of dedicated women and men who primarily raise funds for several domestic violence shelters and to help those who are victims of domestic abuse. Along with a wonderful lunch, they had silent auctions, a jewelry shop and plenty of raffles to raise funds. They also had the Arizona Swing Kids for entertainment, who sang and danced to tunes through the years. The little ones were adorable as they grabbed people from the audience and danced with them.

It was a wonderful way to spend a Saturday afternoon, and I highly recommend it. To find out more about AzBSPADA and the programs they support you can visit:
And to find out more about the Swing Kids you can visit:
(Err, the coordinator just happens to share the same name with a past president.)


  1. Kathryne, All the volunteers and members of AzBSPADA "Share The Magic" want to thank you so very much for "Sharing Our Magic" with your readers and for attending our luncheon this past Saturday. All of us wish you the very best with your new publications and for your future years as a writer and in your personal life.
    You, your mom, dad and your sister's are very special to me. Love, Joan

  2. How wonderful that the president of AzBSPADA stopped by to leave a comment. :}
    You are very special to us as well, Joan. And to all the women and children your hard work and dedication have helped through the years.
    It's an honor to know you and a privilege to have shared some magic with you.
