Magical storytelling!
"ENCHANTING THE BEAST is quite simply magical! Kathryne Kennedy brings together wonderful characters in a fairy tale setting in which romance, magic, and adventure are center stage. Kathryne Kennedy weaves together all the elements of a reader's favorite fairy tales with unique and unforgettable originality. Lady Philomena and Sir Nico are perfectly matched not only romantically, but together, each unleashes the goodness and magic within the other. Lady Philomena's entourage of the ghost guide Tup and her were-servant Sarah endear the heart with smiles and deep-felt emotion from beginning to end. Adventurous subplots lead the reader down fascinating journeys full of delightful twists as Lady Philomena and Sir Nico explore both the inner castle below and the inner spirit that lurks within. ENCHANTING THE BEAST --- indeed all The Relics of Merlin romances to date --- have a special quality that no writing class can ever teach. Kathryne Kennedy is a natural storyteller, a storyteller who weaves the love of storytelling into each tale. Each word flows from the other, each image opens a new world, a new emotion. ENCHANTING THE BEAST has a perfect balance of entertaining lightness to sweep the reader away, yet enough depth to move the heart. Fans of The Relics of Merlin series will discover a new delight as ENCHANTING THE BEAST expands the breadth of the series into new yet also familiar territory. If you have not discovered Kathryne Kennedy's romances yet, you are truly missing out."
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