Tuesday, July 14, 2009

FOR WRITERS (and readers): Why are heads cut off on book covers?

Now, this wasn't something I thought much about, until I received my new book cover (Isn't it beautiful?). I've always assumed that publishers cut off the model's heads so that readers could imagine the faces for themselves (our imaginations are often times much better than reality). But I found out that there is a subconscious marketing technique at work here. Publishers know that they only have seconds to capture the interest of a reader, whether he/she is looking through books in a bookstore or on the internet. So if you glance at an image that is incomplete your brain registers that within seconds...and you're more likely to take a second look. Then you might be tempted to read the cover, the back blurb, and hopefully, purchase the book itself. But those first few seconds are the most crucial, which is why publishers invest a great deal of research in producing an eye-catching cover.


  1. Gee, December is a long time to wait for your next book, but wait I must. lol

    Nice looking cover, and the colours are bright and attractive. Sounds interesting, In regards to what you mentioned about the heads being chopped off and that being a temptation to attract people, I do not personally like to see the heads cut off like that, nor do I find that it is something that draws me to a book. In fact if its not the type of book I enjoy, or by a special author whose books I enjoy reading, then the cover might be a turn off. Just my thoughts.

  2. Hi Dawn!
    Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts...and being eager for my next book! :)
    Although this is a method to attract a reader's attention (your brain pays more attention to an incomplete image) I respect that this may not appeal to some.
    Take care, and I do hope you enjoy My Unfair Lady when it's released.

  3. I can't wait to read it, I love the cover too,

  4. Thanks a million, Penney! I really appreciate you taking the time to leave such a wonderful note.
